Happy New Year!!!!
This is my year of changes. I am almost 40 years old and things need to change. So my New Years Resolution is to put myself first for once and take care of myself, life is too short. So I am going to start another blog, following my life for 2013. I dont want to mix them together, because school is the one place that I feel secure and happy at. I have still been trying to figure all the buttons with the blogs and labels so bear with me. I also am not sure how to make sure I am following you guys all back. But I will get it slowly it is geeting better.
So as far as school ,
Yesterday was kinda crazy coming back on a Thursday, because YEAH today is already Friday. I have been busy printing and laminating winter things. I love the snowman set from Deanna Jump, and I www.mrsjumpsclass.blogspot.com and I also love Karen Jones Winter set, it just fabulous with all the Jan Brett books stuff and so many center ideas and great work. http://www.mrsjonessclass.blogspot.com/
And again I finally brought my camera to school and the batteries were not charged so I will try again to get some pictures in here.
I saw you were my newest follower, and I am so glad I checked out your page. Thank you so much for the shout out April! :)
Mrs. Jones’s Kindergarten
Happy New Year to you too! :) Love your cute little blog and I'm excited to read your future posts!
Fun in PreK-1
Your blog is adorable! Thanks so much for visiting me! I am your newest follower!
Kindergarten Boom Boom
Thank you so much !!!!